Sunday, January 24, 2010

Simple Challenge!

i'm walking through the bright white gates. Breathing in and out your grace. All around me melodies rise. That echo with the joy inside.

So i start to sing, But I cant sing loud enough. I can't sing loud enough when I'm singing for You my God! I can't sing loud enough. I can't sing loud enough when I'm singing for You my God!

With a thunder roll and a brilliant light. Your glory boasts and the heavens shine. The saints and angels stand in awe. Captured by the beauty of it all.

So I fall to my knees, but i can't bow low enough. I can't bow low enough at the vision of You my God. I can't bow low enough. I can't bow low enough at the vision of You my God!

I can't hold it all inside. I'm reaching for the One who brought me out of death and into life. But i can't lift my hands high enough. I cant lift my hands high enough when I'm reaching for You my God. I can't lift my hands high enough. I cant lift my hands high enough when I'm reaching for You my God!

-Phil Whickham, Cielo

I have had an incredible weekend! It began with the stomach virus...and ended with a humbling awe of what God is able to accomplish, even in our weakness! As someone who LOVES to is moving to have such a flood of emotions and not be able to find words deep enough to constitute! I dont know where everyone is in life, what you believe or who you rely on, but I cant help but look at life and stand awestruck by how GREAT our God is! This song seems to be the best description. There is just so little I can do and it feels so small when the desire to serve him is so much greater than it seems I can accomplish! But I know a willing heart is an empty vessel to him...and so useful. So I love to be empty and willing! I long to be used...(a scary and exciting prayer) :)

Recently I had an idea enter my mind. A HUGE idea for a non for profit business. An idea that I cant wrap my mind around or form a process or plan for. For those who know me, I am one who will chase an idea. I will try anything. Success or failure, doesnt matter. But this one, I dont even know where to begin. So I am just letting the idea resonate! Excited to see the opportunity to watch it happen, yet unable to understand how to make it happen. So I am pleased to be stretched yet again. Learning to wait eagerly to be used and patient to know how!

I am so thankful to be where I am right now. (Im sorry I am all over the place, I hope you can follow) The four year old I nanny asked me last month: "Do you hear God?" To which I responded people hear God in all sorts of ways. And sadly some people dont want to hear him at all. She asked how I hear him. (Keep reading for the typical Gillian response) Being a month later, I really cant wait for her to grasp how wonderful it is to know God and feel his presence and his voice so differently than you do a friend here on Earth! We are encouraged in the word to have a childlike faith...dont complex the simple to make something seem deep. God in his very essence is simplistic in depth. Faith, a child's faith, can grab hold of something so simple and turn simplicity in profound meaning. I love this. It is the joy of my job! As adults we just need to tune in...their question will challenge us to answers beyond our limitations. Our faith is somehow reborn in their curiosity! If, IF you let it!

Gillian's response to my description of God voice was this: "Well, I talked to God last night, because I got scared. And he didnt answer me. I think he had his IPOD turned up too loud!" Ha. As I corrected her with a laugh. I love this little girl! I love that she puts a God I cant fathom into her simple world and makes Him hers! She gets it...maybe not in correct terminology...but she gets it!

Listen to a child this week, let them increase your faith! Stand in awe and soak in his greatness! His glory!