Sunday, March 28, 2010

Its not Over Over

I heard a story today about a kid at a baseball game. The team they were there to cheer for was down by 10 or 11 runs in the top of the 7th. The dad wanted to leave. The child asked is it over? To which the dad replied "Yes, sort of." The boy looked intently and repeated "No, is it over-over?"

I went to the Vanderbilt Auburn game here in Nashville a couple years back and remember the frustration of watching my team plummet. We had had a wonderful season and to beat Vandi would have been icing on the cake. However at the start of the fourth I was ready to leave. The game was done. I knew the outcome wouldnt be pretty. I knew it would leave me even more frustrated that I already was. Sometimes, accepting the inevitable is better than facing reality...but at those times we need to have the perspective of a kid. The perseverence of a child. The vision of innocence. Because its not OVER-over.

May I be so bold as to ask: What in your life feels over? What is it that you are trying to accomplish that people around you are walking out, telling you its "over?" Those are the moments you need to face the fact that its not over never know when the end result holds the element of surprise. Or the determination to overcome is what you are suppose to walk away with on the other side. Dig your heels in and stand firm.

Even the Bible is full of instances that are left to mystery. Not everything can make sense or be predicted. Sometimes we have faith, and that's it. Sometimes, your faith is what carries you through. SO...keep praying, keep working, keep believing. You never know when the answers, the yes, the faith or the payoff is right around the corner! BECAUSE ITS NOT OVER OVER. :)