Monday, March 29, 2010

Comforted by His Company

"I will never leave you..."

We all hear this reminder. It is often spoke as comfort. To ease the present situation. To know you are not standing in difficulty on your own. This is a true statement. However, as a challenge to us through this verse. Try to contemplate it for the week. Keep it on mind. We should all think of what it means in light of this question: "Where are you taking Him."

God states boldly that "[He] will never leave [us] or forsake us." But with that in mind what direction are you walking in life. Have you ever stopped mid plans to think about what you are dragging your relationship with God through? Or on the contrary, are you letting God lead you? Are you following where He guides? Life is not all serious. I understand that, but in light of comparison, think for a moment about a relationship in modern day. Would you be madly in love with a guy and then drag him along as you flirt and tease the guy at the bar? Would you take your pastor to the party this weekend? Would you expect your parents to follow willingly on your date? Some of you live a life "above reproach." To those these wouldnt be difficult, although unlikely to offer any chance of a cheating heart. But the party you would attend would be fine to include a pastor. Your night out would be no different with your parents in tow. But for others we live an "out of sight out of mind" type lifestyle.

What would you do different this week if you realized the truth in God's words "I will never leave you?" What decisions would you think twice about and what reflection of a Christian would you present? I cant help but wonder if this mindset would reverse the reputation Christians have obtained...if the consistency and genuine lifestyle would make a difference.

So go through your normal week knowing that you are not alone! It is a verse that comforts our hearts in difficulty, but He is around for more than just our broken and shattered lives. He is here for the joyful moments and the thankful moments as well. Acknowledgment can make a world of difference. And letting Him take the reigns a while may really surprise you! You may find that your life is rich with opportunity that your choices didn't allow you to see!

Have a blessed week and know that you are not alone! He has your back every step of the way!