Monday, January 17, 2011

Humble Beginnings.

What about me reflects the image of Christ?

My God. A humble king, a fearless man. A tender ear, and outstretched arms. My God. A man who had everything and gave it all up in order to save ME. My God. A friend like no other. I think of all the things my God is to me, has been to me and will be in the future and it causes my heart to race. God far exceeds every expectation I have ever had for him. And until you reach an endless road of disappointment with an armload of unmet expectations, that will never resonate!

So that being said…or rather pondered, I ask. When I look at my life, where do I reflect this GOD I claim to be so moved by?

I wake up and focus on no one but myself each morning until 715 in which I get in my car, that I wanted and drive to work focusing again on myself. Keeping ME warm, listening to music I like, screening calls from people I don’t want to talk to. Taking the roads I want. Until reaching work, where I busy myself with faceless interaction until it is time to go home. When I leave I either spend time with Jimmy, Jimmy and Avery or I go home and go to bed. My diet is ridiculous, my time management is poor and my energy and involvement with others is embarrassing.

So, looking at that, I ask. IF God was to step into my shoes, what would He do differently? Tomorrow, I pray that will be on the forefront of my mind!

Lets see what happens when I take myself out of the spotlight and allow God to penetrate my perspective and reveal His plan for the direction of my day. ☺