Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who you really are!

When you woke this morning ... did you smile at your day or cringe and hit snooze? Do you face each moment knowing your capabilities or fearful of your failures? Do you focus on your weakness or your strengths? Do you step over your past and move forward or are you blocked by the past that got you off track? Do you see yourself through the worlds eyes or through Gods?

I think the GREATEST obstacle we face each day is our own opinion of ourselves! What others think of us is meaningless unless we choose to believe it! Our pasts do not define us unless we let it! So...I ask. Are you fallen to these obstacles or are you choosing to have a Godly perspective of who you are?

We can accomplish more if we choose to believe what God says about us!

Quit looking in a distorted mirror of what peers and partners and parents have said to you. Start repeating what God says about you: "I am acceptable, I am lovable, I am valuable, I am forgivable, and I am capable."

Psalm 27:10 says, "Even if my mother and father forsake me, the Lord will receive me." What others think is variable when you first consider what God thinks. Just like knowing monopoly money counterfeit to US American currency. We can know the truth of what others say about us, by first considering what our GOD says about us. And rest in the fact that even in our failures HE chooses us. Wants us and Loves us unconditionally!

Psalm 139:14 God says,“you are fearfully and wonderfully made." In Psalm 17, "you are the apple of His eye." In Deuteronomy 7:6, God tells you that you are "His treasured possession." In Philippians 4:8, God tells us we are to think about whatever is "true, noble, right, pure, and lovely."

If you struggle to believe what he thinks about you, read in His Word the truth of what He says about you, believe it, and let Him change your heart.

I am a child of God John 1: 12
I am a joint-heir with Christ Romans 8: 17
I am the righteousness of God in Christ. 2 Cor.5: 21
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6: 19
I am the apple of His eye. Zec.2: 8
I am an ambassador for Christ. 2 Cor.5: 20
I am free from condemnation Romans 8: 1
I am more than a conqueror Romans 8: 17
I am the salt of the earth. Mathew 5: 13
I am the light of the world Mathew 5: 14 & Eph. 5: 8
I am a member of the household of faith Gal.6 :10
I am a branch of the True Vine John 15: 5
I am the will of God James 1: 8
I am in the palm of the Lord’s Hand Isa. 49: 16
I am covered by the shadow of His Hand Isa. 51: 6
I am loved by God as much as He loves Jesus John 17:23
I am in God’s Hand and none can pluck me out John10:28
I am delivered from sin Romans 6: 7
I am free from weaknesses and diseases. Matt.8: 17
I am complete in Him. Col.2: 10
I am translated into the kingdom of God’s Son.Col.1:13
I am delivered from the power of darkness Col. 1: 13
I am accepted in Him Eph. 1: 6
I am dead to sin and alive to God in Christ.Rom.6:11
I am seated in heavenly places in Christ. Eph. 2: 6
I am redeemed from the curse of the law. Gal. 3: 13
I am in Christ. 1 Cor. 1: 30
I am hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3: 3

Choose today to believe what GOD says you are!