Wednesday, March 2, 2011


To look at the Christian life today...we have it made. Well most of us anyway. Comfort. Peace. Tolerance. AND... a washed out expectation of Faith.

I look around me and see so many who simply dont reach GREAT, because the effort is not necessary in order to be viewed as "good enough." We settle into our couch of complaisency and bury our heads and hearts in the sand and just show up enough to keep the "look" of Christian.

Well...let me tell you. I too have been guilty of this. However, today I read a quote that convicted me to the core.

Do I (you) "shine so brightly among the Gray of the spiritual pack" that we display an authentic walk with Christ? Or are we another "christian?"

Lobdell notices this and makes this statement casually as an observance, however, it should stir your spirit to think you may fit this description. Do you? Do I?

If so. I think the new version of Christianity is "Christianity-LITE." Where you can accept all the perks to the status...while leaving the hard stuff out. Not feeling convicted or compelled by what the TRUE Christian life calls you to.

So, in the words of Lobdell, are you living "Christian-LITE" - "a feel-good brand of faith that doesnt extend much past Sunday morning?" Or are you living the life God has called you to?